The Mount Pleasant Photography Club

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The Mount Pleasant Photography Club was formed in 1993 and sponsored by Lancaster Parks and Recreation for the purpose of promoting photography in Fairfield County. The club is open to amateur and professional photographers, and there are no minimum or maximum age requirements. ANYONE who is interested in photography is urged to attend.

Meetings are the first Thursday of every month at 7pm, typically at Olivedale Senior Center, but due to Covid-19, meetings have been at various times and outdoor venues this year. At the meetings, club members learn new techniques and have an opportunity to photograph different subject matters and styles. The Purpose of the club is to improve the skills of the members through educational programs, competitions, exhibitions, and field trips.

The club has a permanent display which is rotated several times a year at the Fairfield Community Health Center office at 207 South Broad Street. We typically have live displays in the spring at the Alley Park Nature center and the fall at Olivedale. We usually have a display once a year at the Fairfield County Library in downtown Lancaster as well.

Our Members

Click on the photos below to view each artist’s website.

Shellie Anderson

Kenneth Balthasar

Sue Finch

Lilly Haugh

John Lambert

Julie Moskal

Chris Angel

Cassie Binkley

Kim Hartman

Bonnie Johnson

Nancy Lambert

Larry Redd

Rhonda Angel

Jo Binkley

Rod Hartman

Beverly Johnston

Mitsy McGiffin

Eric Reiner

Peggy Arvay

John Daniels

Kamal Kassouf

Donna Menigat

Janice Thomas